Composer/Sound Designer

Timothy Ducharme Demo Reel
What I do

I specialize in orchestral and electronic music, with a natural ear for epic adventure and soft drama genres. I begin usually at the piano and build upon a central idea that flourishes into a full fledged score.
Notable credits inclue the animated fan series Berserk; The Animated Manga, The Offering by Alex Kinkaid, and video game titles such as Treat's Trick and Forbidden Bounty

Sound Design
I craft sounds from various sources such as common household objects or more elaborate creations, with synthesis being another favorite technique of mine.
Being a certified Wwise user, I also implement audio into video games in order to create immersive experiences that capture the imagination of players.

From recording, editing audio to mixing and mastering, I am an expert on things audio production.
I love to collaborate with fellow creatives who share a passion for music and sound.